Friday, September 23, 2016

After Action Report - Yesterday's Power Loss

We lost power yesterday and for many hours, my bed was stuck where my body was bent in more than a 90 angle, and I had to be careful to keep up a shallow breathing or I simply was not going to survive the day.

This was no exaggeration on my part.

Charlotte Fire had to be called.

Still, even with power available, it is a chore to be sure that I can keep a breathing power posture, and as I write this, it's clear I need to switch to hospice care such that I can simply keep breathing, so that I can simply keep breathing, and we can get very simple tasks like breathing operating and we can make it possible to get from one breath to another.

I would like to tell you more about the adventure, but to be  honest, there is a lot to tell, and this currently more than I can say about the great response we got from  the fire dept and we'll have to save it for another day. but it's clear I need more help than can be provided for at home.

I simply need to suck it up, and get full care, and breathe.

more detail later, but it's now simply too much danger than can otherwise be considered.

Laura and family were/are great but it's plainly too high of a risk to otherwise think about.