Laura and I were at the urologist Dr. Zane Basrawala yesterday. ( I think I finally learned to pronounce his name correctly) We talked about the kidney surgery which has to be deferred for 3-4 weeks as my immune system comes back from the last taxotere infusion.
After the consult, Laura and I took the time to go on our first Ingress mission. A mission is typically a series of things to do like hack six portals, or make a control field or such. This particular mission has us hack four portals around the hospital, one which was unique to us because it was further then that others. Two portals were across the street at a store called Black Lion.
I'll have to get some pictures of the place. It pretty much a store for of really good nick knacks for the home. And I mean a really good store for that. There's only one here in Charlotte, and the closest other one is in Hickory, well to the North.
There is also a large section of higher quality furniture than you might get at a Rooms to Go or Ashley's. We had a good talk with Steve Lentz and I mentioned that we didn't have much discretionary income due to the medical bills arising from the cancer treatments.
Well, Steve is involved with alternative medicine, and you know how those types normally turn me off. However, there were some nutritional adjustments he was suggesting that I believe can compliment my "Western Medicine" treatments I am currently undergoing.
Of course, he wants me off sugar, and while my good friend Gerry Benitz has been beating that drum for over 20 years, it's time to get serious. My biggest challenge is figuring out what else I should be eating other than Captain Crunch or Lucky Charms :) ! Seriously, I have to think about things like going out on Saturdays for pancakes and the like.
No doubt if we can make these changes it will help Laura with her diabetes as well. So I promised to get in contact with Steve via e-mail, and he intends to share some of his recipes which I will likely post here. So stay tuned.
The bottom line though is that we owe this contact to Ingress, which is getting us to explore our city more.
Oh also, I spent time with Kate last night training her as a Ingress agent, and she knocked off her first enemy portal after I had weakened it so that her level 2 bursters could finish the job. She picked the agent name Hylidae59. The 59 we've been adding to show the family relation with my name Brangus59 and Laura as NavyMom59.
Oh and FYI, Hylidae is a a family of frogs. I suggested that since the pejorative from the enemy faction is that the Enlighted are frogs, maybe we could find a term that would be interesting, and Kate settled on this name, because it does have a bit of a feminine ring to it.
I had to agree to upgrade Hylidae59's data plan from 2Gb to 5Gb per month - hopefully that will be sufficient. Also while shopping online at the Verizon site it seems, we can get Matthew a smart phone for $4.50 per month - though I bet I need a $20 data plan for him. However with him working at McDonald's, he'd be happy to pay for his data.
So he's going to have to play Ingress too :P.
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